About Business Loan

Business Loan is the obvious choice if you need a finance for Personal finance, Medical emergency, Wedding purposes, Abroad travel, Holidays, Child education and for buying consumer durable things.

Business Loan Products

Achieve all your goals and aspirations; with the right kind of help, exactly when you need it.

Abroad Travel

Get the funds for the expenditure involved in going abroad for taking up employment. Manage your personal with Borrow Company for fulfill your travelling to abroad.

Business Loan

We provides Business Loan. loan for pursuing higher, We given the right tools to every potential Business. Also, grant Business. Loan for higher Income of your Business.

Get financing for whatever you need now

Business Loan - Eligibility

Any salaried, self-employed or professional Public and Privat companies, Government sector employees including Public Sector is eligible for a Business Loan


Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years


Minimum Net Monthly Income: $15,000

Credit Rating

Applicant should have the bank specified credit score.

Features of Business Loan

All loans are not created equal, Business  loan has become a great option for people to use.

Faster Loan

For funding medical expenses, hospitalization, surgery, No collateral required.

Choose your amount

All charges are communicated up front in writing along with the loan quotation.

Enjoy the best rates

Exclusive Capital Funding loan rates and charges are very attractive.

Decide your tenure

Exclusive Capital Funding Our loan rates and charges are very attractive.